2024-12-28 - السبت
الارصاد :هطولات مطرية غزيرة تركزت في إربد nayrouz ترجيح رفع البنزين 90 والديزل وخفض 95 بالأردن nayrouz الاحتلال يعتقل مدير مستشفى كمال عدوان في قطاع غزة nayrouz الأردن يشارك في الاجتماع الحادي عشر لفريق العمل المشترك مع دول الخليج في مجال الشباب nayrouz طلبة "تمريض" عمان الأهلية يزورون مكتب منظمة الصحة العالمية nayrouz التكنولوجيا الزراعية في عمان الأهلية تشارك في تونس بمؤتمر الزراعة الذكية nayrouz بنك سوداني يتفاجأ بـ11 ترليون كاش عند تاجر بصل nayrouz "الأمن الفلسطيني": نحقق بمقاطع متداولة ذات علاقة بسلوك بعض أفراد الأمن ضد مدنيين nayrouz أردنيون يتوقعون انخفاض ايجارات المساكن nayrouz تنفيذ مشاريع تنموية بالعقبة لتحسين الخدمات للمواطنين في 2024 nayrouz "سيناريو 2021" بهذه الدولة يقلق أميركا في سوريا nayrouz “تحريض وتشويش وتهديد” .. هذه هي التهم التي تلاحق سارة نتنياهو في المحكمة وقد تدفع بها لدخول السجن nayrouz اسعار الذهب في السوق المحلية nayrouz فنانة مصرية تناشد جمهورها المشاركة بجنازة زوجها nayrouz توقف تقديم خدمات الاستهلاكية المدنية ليومين لغايات الجرد السنوي nayrouz الطفيلة .. منجزات تنموية خلال العام الحالي أسهمت بتحسين واقع الخدمات nayrouz مصادرة أسلحة وذخائر من فلول النظام خلال حملة أمنية بريف اللاذقية nayrouz محاضرة توعوية في عمان الأهلية حول العنف الأسري nayrouz حزب الله يهدد: اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار سينهار nayrouz الأردن.. 126 ألف جلسة محاكمة عن بعد خلال 11 شهراً nayrouz
وفيات الأردن اليوم السبت 28-12-2024 nayrouz رئيس بلدية لواء الموقر "الجبور" ينعى الشابين قصي وخالد أبو غنيم nayrouz مهند هشام محمد رجا مسعود خريسات في ذمة الله nayrouz الجبور يعزي ال عبيدات بوفاة الشاب حسن عبيدات من بلدة حرتا nayrouz الحاج صالح زعل الفقراء " ابو عبدالله" في ذمة الله nayrouz الجبور يعزي الروسان بوفاة الرائد المتقاعد نبيل محمد" ابو امجد " nayrouz الحاجة فاطمة عبد الله حسين الحوري "ام السعيد " في ذمة الله nayrouz وفيات الأردن اليوم الجمعة27-12-2024 nayrouz الشاب اسعد حسن الشطي في ذمة الله nayrouz المقدم م خلدون محمد الفاعوري في ذمه الله nayrouz وفاة أمام ومؤذن مسجد بشرى الكبير الحاج عبدالله علي جرادات nayrouz وفاة صباح ابنة الفنان الاردني عبده موسى " nayrouz وفاة الطالب قصي سليمان عواد ابو غنيم اثر حادث مؤسف على طريق الموقر nayrouz وفاة الفاضلة باسمة صدقي منيب شموط "أم بديع" nayrouz سعود خليف سالم البركات الشوابكة في ذمة الله nayrouz وفاة والدة المحافظ السابق حسن باشا القيام nayrouz وفاة المصري يوسف ندا مؤسس إمبراطورية 'الإخوان المسلمين' المالية nayrouz وفاة نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير الداخلية الأسبق سالم مساعدة nayrouz وفاة الشاب رامي محمد الجبور اثر حادث طعن nayrouz وفاة بحادث على الصحراوي وضبط سائق غير مرخص nayrouz


نيروز الإخبارية : KASHMIR SOLIDARITY DAY MARKED IN LEBANON WITH THE LAUNCHING OF BOOK “KASHMIR CRISIS - (UNRESOLVED ISSUE OF MUSLIM UMMAH) OPINIONS & ANALYSIS” The Embassy of Pakistan in Beirut hosted launch ceremony of the book “Kashmir Crisis (Unresolved Issue of Muslim Ummah) Opinions & Analysis” written by Mr Omar Mohammad Nazzal Al Armouti on 10 April 2018. The ceremony, which was also organized to express solidarity with the people of the Indian Occupied Kashmir, was attended by large number of Lebanese from all walks of life including ministers, politicians, diplomats, academics and businessmen as well as Pakistani community in Beirut. His Excellency Mr. Charles Rizk, Former Minister of Justice and Chairman Fouad Chahab Foundation stated that Kashmir was a long outstanding unresolved issue awaiting focus of international community. He further stated that there wre striking similarities between Kashmir and Palestine issues. He emphasized that recent wave of killings of innocent Kashmiris by the Indian forces and their human rights sufferings should be projected in the international community. He stressed that Kashmir and Palestine issues should be resolved in line with the UN Security Council resolutions and will of the people by granting them the right of self-determination. Ambassador Aftab Khokher condemned the killings of innocent Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Kashmiris by the brutal Indian forces. He said that the continuous violations of fundamental human rights of the people of Kashmir, including the right of self-determination, by India could not be ignored. He called on the international community to fulfill its commitment to the people of Jammu and Kashmir through the UN Security Council resolutions. He said that the Palestinians were also suffering due to the denial of their right of self-determination and Israeli actions were complete violation of international humanitarian law. Ambassador Khokher, while appreciating the quality and content of the book written by Mr Armouti, stated that the book was a very timely contribution and support in reviving the Kashmir issue in the Arab World. He added that the book would be a great source of knowledge on Kashmir issue from historical perspective to the recent developments for the Arab World in particular and international community in general. Doctor Marie Line Karam, who is an expert of international law and conflict resolution, highlighted the legal dimensions of the Kashmir issue in the light of international law. She also mentioned about recent human right violations report issued by Amnesty International and condemned the use of pellet guns making innocent girls and children blind. She urged international human rights and justice organisations to play active role and use their influence to solve the two long standing Kashmir and Palestinian issues. Mr. Muhammad Yousaf Malik, Embassy of Pakistan mentioned that the recent uprising in the Indian Occupied Kashmir was purely a reflection of long standing struggle of Kashmiris. He said that, after the killing of Burhan Wanni in July 2016, there were serious human right violations in the Indian Occupied Kashmir with prolonged curfew and closure of hospitals, schools, Masajids, markets, telephones and internet facilities. He stated that only in last one year the Indian security forces had killed more than 190 Kashmiri, wounded around 21,000 and blinded more than 1200 Kashmiris by use of pellet guns. According to the Indian as well as international neutral writers and analysts, it was the first biggest blindness of the human history by human right organizations. Prof. Ahmad Malli, Director, Faculty of Law and Political & Administrative Sciences at the Lebanese Univesity, condemned human right violation in Indian occupied Kashmir and appreciated the effort of Mr. Armouti in projecting Kashmir cause through his book. He also traced the history of struggle for the right of self-determination and stated that the struggle of Kashmiri people was just and hence should not be equated with terrorism. Prof. Dina El Maula, President, Islamic University of Lebanon, said that the recent killing of Kashmiris by the Indian forces was a human tragedy. While expressing her solidarity with the people of Kashmir and supporting their just struggle for the right of self-determination, she stated that Kashmir & Palestine issues were the reason of extremism and must be resolved for peace in South Asia and Middle East. She commended Mr. Armouti for writing a book, which would indeed further the cause of Kashmiris and Palestinians. Prof.  Ahmad Mousalli, Department of Political Studies and Public Administration, American University Beirut (AUB), said that the international community cannot obviate itself from its responsibility to protect fundamental human rights of the peoples of Kashmir and Palestine. He added that he was honoured to be part of the launching of book on Kashmir and to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir. He stated that, as an academician of international, he believed in resolution of Jammu and Kashmir Conflict through a dialogue and in accordance with the UNSC resolutions. Prof. Walid Arbid, President, Lebanese Observatory of International and Strategic Relations voiced his concerns over recent sufferings of Kashmiri in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. He stated that the book by Mr. Armouti would highlight the human rights violations of the Indian forces and also facilitate in understanding the rationale of the struggle for the right of self-determination by the Kashmiris. Mr Omer Muhamamd Nazzal Al Armouti, while thanking the Embassy of Pakistan in Beirut, said that his motivation to right the book was aimed at highlighting the Kashmir issue to the international community especially in the Arab World. He also narrated stories of sufferings of the Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Kashmir which he was able to witness during his visit to the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir. This is the first book written by a Jordanian author in Arabic language highlighting sufferings of Kashmiri people with striking similarities between Palestine and Kashmir issue. The book was the initiative of Embassy of .Pakistan in Amman, Jordan