We are born twice: The birth of our body along with our ID (Identification), showing our names, place and date of birth and nationality. However, our real birth is our second birth: The birth of the mind, heart and soul. It’s when we can answer the most important question in our lives — who am I?
We must have a valid secondary ID to embark on our journey. ID here is short for Identity. Ask yourself:
Your skills
Your values
Values are reflected in our decisions and in our attitudes. They are gained from our parents, teachers, society and culture and influence the choices we make. Once we follow our passion and values and use our skills and competencies, our life journey can become enjoyable and fruitful.
Your compass
Each one of us has a specific calling in our lives, but very few of us follow it and we often get lost along the way. A compass can help us set sail towards a more fulfilling life.
The following questions will help you set your compass:
Setting objectives and goals help clarify our direction. Start with short-term objectives, heading towards intermediate objectives, then move on towards your biggest goals.
Your priorities
So you’ve determined your ID and you are moving in the right direction. It’s time now to get your priorities in order. There is no time to waste! Set your schedule and ensure that you are spending your time in a way that accurately reflects your priorities in the following areas:
Reprinted with permission from Family Flavours magazine