The princess commended the expertise, competence and professionalism of Jordan’s nursing staff and the continuous efforts they make "day and night for the sake of Jordan's people as well as for humanity”, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.
"Dear nurses, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you on your day, International Nurses Day, as you paint the most magnificent pictures of championship and giving, as the day comes during nursing year 2020, a year full of challenges but also full of hope,” she said in a message addressed to the nation’s nurses.
"I hope that this day will increase your strength, determination and steadfastness and that it will be a strong incentive for you towards excellence and creativity.
"I am sure that you have acquired great experience that will enable you to make positive change for a better future for you and the nursing profession, to enhance public health and safety and achieve the sustainable development goals,” she added.
"My happiness is so great with the deserved admiration that you have received at the national, regional and global levels in appreciation of your efforts, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Unleash your potential, this is your wonderful opportunity, which you have made with your hands, and through your high morale and care for the people of our dear Kingdom,” she added.
Her Royal Highness continued: "You have met the expectations of His Majesty King Abdullah, who is very proud of your achievements in light of the current exceptional circumstances.”
"You have earned the title ‘White Army’ with your accumulated experiences, your craftsmanship and your profession, which you have shown as you continue working day and night for the sake of Jordan's people as well as for humanity,” Princess Muna affirmed.
She concluded her message by saying: "We are proud of you, bless your efforts and the efforts of your families, and happy International Nurses Day.”